When you sit down at your desk in the morning and turn on your computer what is the first thing you do? Check your e-mail? If so, you are like hundreds maybe thousands of us. Email is a truly amazing thing and it often is the biggest thief of time and productivity that exists.

You start by saying I will just do a quick check. And then one or two look interesting and compelling and two hours later you still have not gotten to those tasks which were your original priority.

Email is a drug. It allows us to feel productive and busy while avoiding things we may need and not want to do. Like many people I have the same issues with it. Today, I did not turn on email. Instead I started the much needed and challenging task of getting my office space back under control, and now I am writing this blog. After the blog I will finish up with the mess and get started on writing my e-book. It feels good to be productive so early in my work day. As for e-mail, I will do it after lunch. If any of it was truly an emergency people would call me.

So here is your week’s challenge: start your day without email and see how it goes.  Bet it will be an interesting experience.

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