Time To Play

It’s summer time here in our community. We have had an unprecedented amount of sun and it has induced a bad case of summer laziness. You know: sit on the deck, drink a cool one and let the day roll by. At this point my plan was to exhort you to finish up projects, make plans for fall, blah, blah.

Instead I am encouraging you to use this time to rest, recuperate and allow your mind to wander. It is often when we are not thinking directly about problems and issues that the solutions pop into our minds. So this is the time to take it easy, enjoy the time you have. If you are a parent, it’s an opportunity to spend some good time with your children. Maybe go on that family vacation. Read that novel you have been putting off.

When you are at home relaxing and find yourself thinking about work, it’s probably time to set some goals. In the meantime to paraphrase a song: “summertime and the living is easy”.

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