Try Harder

Try harder. How often have you heard that expression? At home, school, work, on TV or radio. It is as common as it can be .

Yet when you think of it, what does it mean? Trying is not doing. Yoda said it best: “there is no try, there is only do”. Think of a baby learning to walk. They are not trying, they are doing. They lurch from chair to couch, staggering and falling, yet relentlessly practising walking. One day they get the necessary balance and they are off and running.

That being said the other word in this expression: harder is a bit silly too. If what you are doing is not working, then how do you think doing more of it harder is going to make a difference? You already know what’s not working, why do more of it?

Instead, take a quick moment to analyze where you are and make a new plan. Take the best of what you are doing and add something new. Expecting different results from doing the same thing is a good way to fail. If all else fails, do anything else.

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