Turkey Time

Ok, you may be asking what is Turkey Time?

Well, I define Turkey Time as the period from the Canadian Thanksgiving to New Years. Clearly, it’s named for the meal most of us have at least once in this period of time.

That period is when many religions and others celebrate their faith or their friends, often over a turkey dinner.

And with those dinners come a lot of expectations and decisions that may not be popular on all fronts.

Where will you spend the holidays? If you are in a relationship, how do you chose which set of parents you will visit? Or will all the relatives come to your place?

What if your family has beliefs you don’t share? What if they are strongly right wing and you are not? What if they want to push their religious values on to you ? What if you just don’t like some of them?

Hard decisions indeed. If you say yes to one side of the family then the other side may be annoyed with you. So how do you decide?

Once choices are made and feelings can be hurt. Guilt can become your new best friend.

So to make those choices easier here are some thoughts to consider.

What is most important to you? Is it to see family? Is it to protect yourself from the barrage of emotions and expectations that may come your way?

Is it to give your kids some time with grandparents? Or is it to introduce your new partner to the crowd??

Now ask yourself what are the values that are most important to you? Love, peace, connection for example? Will those values be well served by attending a family dinner?

Is there another way to further those things you value? Can you have a dinner away from the big crowd? If the issue is someone pushing their beliefs on you, can you set boundaries and be really clear that a violation will have consequences.

You have a right to enjoy this period and if you aren’t you have a right to do something else.

At the end of the day turkey time is supposed to be about love and peace, if it isn’t you are allowed to find a new way to create that.

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