Vision for Your Future?

Do you have a vision for your future? If you do, how do you keep it in the forefront of your mind?


Do you make list, create a vision board of do both? I can testify to the effectiveness of both these methods.

In 2002, my partner and I made a list of everything we wanted in a house and posted it on our cork board. In 2003, we purchased a home. As we were packing up our rental, my partner came across the house list. In reviewing it, we discovered there were only two things missing from our original list and they had been in the “would be nice but not necessary” category.images It was an interesting lesson in writing down a dream and having it materialize.

For me, the purpose of a Vision Board is to attach  images to the goals that I have for myself.

Generally I have two boards on the go: a personal one and a couples one. It is good to have the second so I am aligned with my partner in our shared goals.

I start by asking myself what I want in a number of areas of my life: love, friends, work, home, health, wealth, spirit etc. Once I know what I want, I look for a picture that captures it.

After I have gathered a pile of pictures I attach them to the background and then hang the Vision Board in a place where I can see it on a regular vision

Sometimes as I rip out pictures or go through old photos, I find something that triggers a new goal.

Really the process is about allowing the right brain to exercise creativity. The left brain comes in when I start winnowing down my piles of pictures to the number that can be put onto the background paper.

For me, the important part of the process is sitting and thinking about what I want – having a goal in mind as I go through the process.

One of the pieces in my coaching practice is to work with people to create their vision and goals for their future, so they can make the best decisions for future actions. If you are interested in exploring this topic further, drop me a line or give me a call.

PS. The main picture is an older one my partner and I created.  the others came from the internet.


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