What happens in a life coaching session?

What happens in a life coaching session? Well, for sure it is a lot friendlier than the picture.

And I just couldn’t resist this picture as I think folks may feel that life coaching is all about being yelled at. And when you watch some sports that’s what you see-a lot of yelling.

Life coaching takes a gentler and more supportive approach. So here is the process as we engage in it. Remember every coach has a different approach based on their training and the field they are working in.

Since I work in a narrow field: teaching and sharing  good decision making skills with women, my process is unique to that.

So, how do we start? Normally a free 30 minute call to see if we can work well together and if the issues you are facing would benefit from working with me. Once we’ve agreed to work together I will send you paperwork to complete before our first session.

That paperwork  includes basic data, a questionnaire on your thinking process and some information on what you see as the issue.

Payment is made in advance and we can negotiate how that will happen.

OK, we’re ready for your first session. I will have reviewed your paperwork and if I have questions we will discuss those. Then we will clearly define the issue and what you hope for in the outcome.

We will be considering whether you are looking at making one big decision: such as moving, changing jobs, buying  a house, or are you looking to develop skills to improve your ongoing decision making process in life? Once we know what you want we move forward.

We will brainstorm, you will practice what you have discovered between sessions and then we will analyze your successes.

The discussions will help you see where you are stuck and we will focus on ways to move past  the stuck place.

At all times you will make the choices and you will make the decisions.

My job is to assist you to see beyond the roadblocks not tell you want to do.

If you chose not to do the work between sessions, that’s also your choice. It will impact your results though.

One of the more challenging aspects of changing your style of decision making is the feedback you may get from others.

If you have been easily swayed in the past and allowed others to make your decisions, they may be unhappy when you start making your own choices.

Now we all know that you are not responsible for how other people react and the hard reality is you need to he prepared for push back. There are techniques to dealing with pushback and you will learn those skills in your coaching sessions.

In rereading this, I realize it sounds grimly earnest. That’s not my style at all. I want us to have fun, for you to enjoy the process and come away with a new set of skills.

Making good decisions for yourself makes your life easier. After all, if someone else is making the decisions you may never get what you want.

If you want to book a 30 minute session given a call or email me at lynne@lynnebrowncoaching.com

Much gratitude to my sister in law for the picture. You can find her on Instagram and Facebook as Janet Brown Photography.




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