What Stops You?

What stops you? This is a question I often ask my clients. What stops you from changing jobs, leaving a bad relationship, writing that book? There’s always a reason, sometimes a whole truckload of them: what if the new job doesn’t work out, what if I can’t find another love, what if the book doesn’t sell?

Indeed, what if? If Edison had not persevered through hundred of attempts to create the light bulb we could still be sitting in the dark. If Columbus had believed the world was flat I’d be wrting this from Europe and no one would know about North America. Just because you cannot predicate with absolute certainty the results of a choice doesn’t mean stop where you are, it means do your best to make an informed choice and then move on it.

Most often, under our reasons for not doing, lies fear. I often find the more reasons there are to stay stuck, the more fear has you in its stranglehold. I’ve been there – stuck in the job, hating the relationship  and we won’t even talk about the book. I know this fear, I know the reasons and I also know: life was better in a different job, life was infinitely better out of the bad relationship and as for the book-I now have an outline. Small steps got me to here, small steps can get you moving too.

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