Who me? Lead?

Yes, you lead. If not you, then who? Leadership is not just about corporate CEO’s or elected officials. It is about each of us and the choices we make in our lives.

By example we are leading our employees, our family, our children and our friends. It may be as small as the decision on where to eat dinner or as large as making the corporate target for the quarter. In every case our actions and even more our non-actions speak volumes.

When I got my first job as an Executive Director I remember sitting at the end of the day and wondering what the dickens I was doing. Brand new and already I had all the key codes, was signed on as a signatory to the bank accounts and was responsible for more than 50 employees.  At that time I thought my job was to get stuff done.

I quickly learned that my job was to support, direct and lead the staff. Stuff could wait, people could not. Since then I have figured out that if there is a choice between reading email or talking with an employee, the person wins every time. And in behaving in that way, I saw my staff following my example. We became a kinder, more involved office and no surprise-more work got done with less complaining .

Leadership is learned and I don’t think you ever finish that learning. The examples you set, the choices you make, all make you a leader. Who knew it was so easy? (well, maybe not as hard as you think it will be).

Lead On!

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