Who measures SUCCESS?

And perhaps that title should be, how do You measure success? There are a lot of books, blogs and speakers out there all defining success as mostly a material thing. You measure your success by your car, your home your toys and your clothes.

There are an equal number of writers and speakers who decry material success and say only spiritual success (of their persuasion) is what counts. They say all that material stuff is bad for you and takes you away from your true path.

What if I said, both were right? Material things do matter: we need a roof over our heads, food on the table and clothes on our backs. Equally we need to feed ourselves emotionally, and spiritually.

How we do this is a question of creating harmony in our lives. Yes work, but avoid overwork. As a recovering workaholic I understand the lure and know it is possible to say no to too much. Balance the work with time out with friends, a family day, a quiet day of reading and contemplation. Find something that nourishes your soul, whether it is a regular weekend morning visit to the church, chapel, synagogue or mosque of your choice or a simple walk in nature. All these things can bring you a sense of peace and set you up for the next week. We all need a break from the daily grind.

After a month or so of bringing this balance into your life, stop and ask yourself, how do YOU measure success?

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