Words – A Challenge

Words define us. The words we say out loud or in our heads define our reality. If we use words that constrict our choices: don’t, can’t, won’t, then it is likely that indeed we don’t, we can’t or we won’t. Yet those kind of negative and minimizing words are generally part of most people’s every day conversation.

We are a word based species. We name, we judge, we talk, all in words. If you chose not to believe me, take a minute and look up from your computer screen. What do you see?  I’m pretty sure there was a word for it.

So the question is do you want a more expansive life? If so, then for this week eliminate: can’t, won’t and don’t from your vocabulary. You will be amazed at the difference it will make in your thinking and in your actions. Go ahead and do it, I dare you!




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