Year End – Work

It’s year end and we are looking at work – love it or hate it, work is usually a big part of our lives. Unless you are independently wealthy, chances are you work to earn a living. It is work which pays for your necessities and maybe a couple of extras.

When I think of work a series of questions comes to mind. These questions are designed to stimulate thinking about what you are working at and why.

1. Do you like your job? Why? If you don’t like your job, why not?garfield

2. Is this the work you see yourself doing a year from now? Five years from now?

3. How do you feel at the end of a work day? Are you satisfied, frustrated, angry…? Why do you feel that way?

4. Do you feel that the work you are doing makes full use of your mind, talents and skills? If not, why not?

5. Do you work with others or alone? Do you like that choice?

6. Is your work your passion? Lot’s has been written about this subject and if work is your passion you are lucky. If not, then you need to find a place in the rest of your life to develop what you are passionate about.

signpost7. Is work all consuming? That’s a polite way of asking if you are a workaholic. As a recovering workaholic I understand the joy and the trap that this is. At some point one has to find balance or harmony. If you don’t it is easy to lose touch with friends, family and ourselves. That can be a painful place to be.

So there they are, a series of questions for you to consider in this last month of the year. There are no right or wrong answers, just your answers.


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